Wednesday, April 28, 2010

go short to live long!

I love Homaro Cantu, as you may know.
His work really makes me think about food in new ways. Recently he conceptualized the long-held idea of eating low on the food chain in a gently new manner: just shorten it - i.e. if one desires chicken, eat what the chicken eats to approximate the flavor. You are what you eat, right?
Such a simple idea not only would help minimize bioconcentration of toxins and the environmental burdens of animal farming, but also would lower energy expenditures per edible calorie. And it is cool. Click the links and be inspired.


  1. I posted this at eatbeantown, but this place looks more appropriate...This might be of interest to you - we know this woman, she is the fastest moving person alive as she literally scampers around her restaurant - Wafu - a coeliac friendly vego japanese place in Surry Hills.

    She offers incentive to diners who finish their meals, and rejects the patrons who waste food. Interesting concept..

  2. thank you for sharing this! not only is the concept fascinating (the food must be great for her to stay open) - but I have mixed feelings about penalizing those who "waste" food - can one not just bring it home and finish it later? I think "lick the plate" mentality kind of contributes to obesity as portion sizes have grown. Have you eaten there? Wanna go (its been way too long since T and I have been to Oz, we're considering a trip in October, I hear spring in Sydney is stunning)
